by Hector Ruiz | Jul 8, 2016 | Resources

Check out a free tutorial from Concept Art Masters covering principles of design and art theories to help artists improve their art.
This week ending 07/09/2016 we have gathered a nice resource that every artist should know. The principles of design are very important when it comes to image creation. Knowing how to properly use these principles will aid in the improvement of your image making.Enjoy!
Click on the link below:
Composition 1: Design Theory
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to: I will be keeping this list updated as I discover new entries. Thank you--
by Hector Ruiz | Jun 30, 2016 | Resources

French artist Thomas Romain goes through his design process of creating a background layout, correct perspective, good lighting, and line weight.
This week ending 07/02/16 we have gathered a nice resource from Kotaku. In this article Thomas Romain explains some tips for drawing backgrounds. Check out this cool tutorial. Enjoy!
Click on the link below:
Tips for Drawing Backgrounds
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to: I will be keeping this list updated as I discover new entries. Thank you--
by Hector Ruiz | Jun 25, 2016 | Resources

Arstist and Instructor Feng Zhu compares and contrasts illustration vs. design education schools, while illustrating some of the workload and pipeline structure.
This week ending 04/23/2016 we have gathered a nice resource form the Feng Zhu Design School YouTube channel. This post is a really good resource for students who are trying to decided where to attend school. With so many different options and degrees available, it is important to become informed with degree structures. Enjoy!
Click on the link below:
Design Cinema: EP 53: Illustration and Industrial Design
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to: I will be keeping this list updated as I discover new entries. Thank you--
by Hector Ruiz | Jun 25, 2016 | Resources
Focuses on how to design something no one has ever seen before.
Ryan Kingslien has created an EBook that documents one of the coolest exercises I’ve seen artist’s do. It’s from Carlos Huante’s course at Concept Art Workshop.
The basic idea is that one of the hardest things we can do is create something unique, something that no one has seen before…
This is Carlos’ expertise. It’s why he is called in by directors like Ridley Scott. It’s not because he can draw well. There are hundreds of guys that draw well.
It’s because he can come up with ideas that no one has seen before. He can design creatures that shouldn’t be possible but that we want to be possible.
The exercise he has his students do is useful to ANY ARTIST. It’s not just for creature people.
The book also talks about “tropes”. These are basically like visual motifs that we, as artists, can use to evoke emotions. They can be the biggest issue we designers face.
People today have seen so much… There are thousands of designs done every day by artists… These designs become traps that artist can fall into and it is so hard to get out of!
An example, is the classic werewolf. This is a design that once had power but now it just looks like the same old boring thing… broad shoulders, gorilla back, huge paws…
by Hector Ruiz | Jun 25, 2016 | Resources

Challenging Yourself to Learn
This week ending 05/28/2016 we have gathered a nice blog post from the popular blog, Muddy Colors. In this post, artist and instructor Vanessa Lemen explains why we must challenge the notion of an unexamined life and rise up to the fullest potential, she encourages both educators and students to play their part in the learning process, and shows us how in order to truly gain an understanding of something, we need to learn. This post is perfect for students who have certain expectations about school, its teachers, and overall path to success. Enjoy!
Click on the link below:
There Is No Darkness But Ignorance
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by Hector Ruiz | Jun 25, 2016 | Resources

Designing a Narrative Mood Concept
This week ending 06/04/2016 we have gathered a nice resource from on Vimeo. In this video, artist Sebastian Gromann goes through an in-depth video tutorial creating an atmospheric illustration while showing his techniques and providing advice. Enjoy!
Click on the link below:
Designing a Narrative Mood Concept with Sebastian Gromann

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to: I will be keeping this list updated as I discover new entries. Thank you--